Community Supports take members from homeless to homed

CenCal Health has partnered with providers and community service organizations to offer CalAIM Community Supports that address the holistic needs of unhoused members. Through these services, members can obtain help finding stable housing, securing funds for housing deposits, receive case management, mental health and substance use treatment, and beyond. The goal is to care for the underlying issues that contribute to homelessness and improve people's overall quality of life.

To ensure that the Community Supports program is successful and impactful, CenCal Health is committed to strengthening relationships with community partners and stakeholders who already serve unhoused members. With the help of a compassionate support network, ongoing assistance, and opportunities for long-term stability, our beneficiaries can regain independence and thrive in their communities.

Since the January 2023 launch of housing Community Supports, 484 CenCal Health members have received nearly 630 unique housing-related services as of February 2024.

The following video highlights the success of one CenCal Health member, Nolberto, who received Community Supports through our provider partner, Good Samaritan Shelter, during a critical time enhancing his and his children's lives.