Members express gratitude for our service representatives

For our dedicated service representatives, working efficiently to ensure a positive and valuable experience for our members is a round-the-clock commitment. To properly understand and empathize with our member's needs, concerns, and emotions, call center representatives must not only address routine questions but also provide an emotional and human connection to support our members' overall satisfaction and well-being sometimes, during challenging and urgent situations. 

When needing help, our members' first contact with the health plan is often through a phone call placed to the Member Services department. Every day, nearly a dozen Member Services reps must skillfully navigate nearly 470 calls on average, different processes, departments, and colleagues in an organization of close to 380 employees to assist our members and ensure they feel heard, valued, and respected. While each call may be distinctive, service reps are guided by the same goal every time: deliver compassionate, exceptional service to our most important stakeholders.

The following video features heartfelt testimonials collected throughout the years of members sharing their experiences with our service representatives.