Sobering sanctuary provides members a safe and supportive environment

Individuals under the influence of drugs and alcohol impact the entire community, endangering themselves and others. Where does someone go to take the first step to begin treating addiction challenges?

Sobering Centers are a Community Supports service offered to CenCal Health members needing to recover from the effects of alcohol and drug use. In 2023, Sobering Centers were CenCal Health’s most utilized Community Supports service. Out of 70 sobering centers that are known to operate worldwide, two are located in Santa Barbara and Santa Maria.

Local providers operating Sobering Centers give teens and adults a safe place to stay for up to three days to get sober. These short-term care facilities also function as a bridge to additional resources, such as medical care and housing navigation. In the last year, 470 members were diverted from jail or emergency department visits to a Sobering Center, where they received a spectrum of services, including vital connections to long-term recovery services.

The following video shares the success of Good Samaritan Shelter’s Sobering Centers, which provide a crucial service for CenCal Health members while reducing the burden often placed on hospitals and law enforcement in our community.

Click here to learn more about Sobering Centers.